Operational Areas


The Corporate field is covered by statutes and network of intricate rules of procedure to the extent that every aspect of corporate operation is regulated by one or the other statutory provisions. Our experience indicates that corporate's need advise not only in complying with statutory regulations, but also in drafting documents, ranging from company resolutions to documents pertaining to takeovers, mergers, amalgamations, collaborations, acquisitions, liquidations, fiscal and associated areas. We also find that company secretaries employed for some of the above assignments work better in tandem with professionals who are in touch with the ever developing case law and pronouncements from the State High Courts and the Apex Court. Our Corporate office observes care in all such activities as are likely to attract any laws or regulations. We also associate in conferences and multi- party deliberations as and when required. With the rapid growth of trade and commerce and liberalisation policy of the Government of India followed by emergence of multinational business units in India
the law of Arbitration and Conciliation has acquired a new dimension. In the changed scenario, our firm is also providing opinions and handling arbitration matters viz. International commercial arbitration, and arbitration related to building and engineering contracts. Arbitration in consonance with rules of Indian council of Arbitration are also being handled.

Our comprehensive support to clients starts with front-end structuring and risk management of contracts and continues with advice on business operations and guidance to avoid potential disputes.

Alongside documenting a commercially negotiated deal, we ensure that the legal risks inherent in a transaction are fully assessed and properly dealt with. We advise on structuring, drafting, negotiating and administering all types of contracts and also assist with preparing and assessing tenders and appointing consultants.

In the event that an issue turns litigious, we have considerable experience in dispute resolution including mediation, representations to authorities, arbitration, court proceedings and other forms of dispute resolution. We draw on this expertise to provide innovative and original solutions to even the most complex problem.


In recent times, the internet has emerged as a medium with immense potentials, posing many new and interesting challenges. It is not surprising that there have been many attempts to regulate and control this medium specially through the use of laws and regulations. Our team is well equipped to deal with the multitude and policy issues that the information age poses viz. copyright liability and rights in domain name, electronic business transactions relating to the acceptability of electronic signature, electronic documents, enforcing electronic contracts and admissibility of signature, document or contract as an evidence.


The above three areas of work, in the ever developing commercial fields of every country also require legal care. Our Office deals with all the legal aspects in the field of Banking, both from the point of view of banking institutions and borrowers. Invariably, the areas of concentration in this sphere are summary suits, levy of interest, appointment of receivers, attachments before judgements, attachment of machinery when considered movable or immovable property.We are representing clients in Proceedings before Debt Recovery Tribunal and Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal.The questions range from propriety of service by registered post to the system of hundies in domestic trade or the like. Special situations like performance guarantees, indemnities, Bankers liabilities, arise every day and need of attention of specialists. Our firm has been dealing with the legalities involved in the aforementioned operations.

 Commercial law is rapidly growing in terms of international trade and international collaborations. If an International organisation is not in India then it is not considered Global. Thats the importance of having presence in India. Hence, any nusiness entity while entering or after having entered the Indian market has to ensure its positive health. Our firm has a specialised team of lawyers, Chartered Accountants and financial experts for taking care of advisory and litigation requirements. Our experts are also representing clients before Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction and its Appellate Authority under Sick Industrial Companies Act ( SICA).. 


Our specialisation in this area envelope all related work fields covering registration of Trade Marks, Copy rights, Patents and actions in passing - off and infringement. With proactive approach, we safeguard this very valuable asset of our clients, by timely taking criminal action and action for damages against the infringing or offending parties. For certain foreign clients our office has been appointed attorney with the object inter- alia; to check and eliminate piracy, counter feit goods, infringement or passing off of trade/ service mark.

Trade Marks in actual use may hold the field as against registered Trade Marks on basis of prior user, requiring cancellation of the registered Trade Mark and the like. Piracy in Copyright fields, howsoever surrogate, may also be actionable. Our firm monitors the above continually keeping in consideration all statutes and case law available from time to time.


Real Estate is a very lucrative field in which collaborations between the owners and developers are a regular feature. Real estate business operates in respect of both lease hold and free hold land/ property which also needs professional advice and supervision through out the project. This sector stands widened in its scope with the recent decision of the Government of India of inviting private investment in property development, particularly in dwelling units sector where in the government proposes to contribute land while the investors raise construction for sale of the super structures. This field requires requisite documentation. Our firm undertakes all matters connected with real estate from the stage of title-investigations & due diligence to the stage of final sale and appropriation of respective share of proceeds.



We are providing advice & consultancy to our clients on Industrial and Labour laws and have been appearing before all courts with disputes related to  Industrial Disputes, Employees Provident Fund  Act, Factories Act etc.

FAMILY LAW: Matters concerning the sLaw of succession and partition, matrimonial issues, adoption and guardiaship issues.



Although our emphasis is always upon how to avoid litigation by following proper documentation, hassle free agreements and following the age old adage "Stich in time saves nine", some times the litigation is inevitable and advisable in peculiar circumstances. Our firm takes care of litigation in all fields whether these be commercial, Corporate, Constitutional, Arbitration, Labour, Insurance Claims, Non Banking Financing, Intellectual Property, Criminal , Environmental Protection Laws etc. We attend to litigation at all courts and statutory forums.

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